Why Screen?
Confirm Experiences, Skills, and Knowledge:
Candidate screening is not just about revealing negatives. It is an invaluable tool to confirm that a candidate really is the best fit for the job. An in-depth look at the candidate’s experience, work ethic, level of motivation and ability to work independently or in a team environment is key to successful placement and employee retention.-
Uncover Skeletons in the Closet:
Avoid theft, violence and fraud in your workplace; the impact on your work environment and resulting litigation. More HR Professionals are choosing to hire experienced screening companies to help them reveal potential skeletons in the closets of prospective employees. Great Return on Investment:
Background screening saves money in management time, training costs, potential litigation etc... Ask us about the Cost–Of–Turnover Calculator.
Save Time and Money:

Ask us about our Cost-Of-Turnover Calculator and determine how much it costs your company to hire and train a new employee.
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